7 Web Development Trends to Expect in 2022

web developmemt trends

Do you know the trends that are expected for this year 2022? There are more than 1.74 billion websites worldwide, and technology and programming systems are evolving rapidly. If you are dedicated to web development, it is important that you keep up to date with the current trends in the market so that you can provide the best service to your clients. In terms of education if you wish to learn the skill of website building you can even enroll in some web development course present out there.

Here is a list of the 7 main trends in web development that will help you keep up to date with what is happening in the sector and improve your proposals for your clients.

1. PWAs (Progressive Web Apps)

PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) are receiving more attention in the market because they are based on the best of various technologies. On the one hand, they collect the best of the web, and on the other, the best of native apps. We could say that these types of web pages are reducing the gap between native mobile applications and the web.

The PWAs act like native mobile applications, but they are actually websites. According to studies, PWAs have conversion rates 36% higher than native applications; therefore, we can see them as trends in the future. The primary goal of PWAs is to provide a mobile app-like experience to users on all devices.

They are more interactive and responsive. PWAs are revolutionizing the user experience through app-like functionality, but without having to download it.

Some of the biggest names in the industry, like Amazon, Twitter, and Forbes, are combining web and native apps to increase conversions and decrease bounce rates. The advent of PWAs has strengthened the identities of global brands because of the way they work: offline and with much faster loading and speed.

As mobile device users increase every day due to accessibility and reliability, this trend will continue to grow throughout 2022.

2. Dark interfaces

We’ve seen this trend in mobile apps, but now websites are moving towards it too.

Night or dark-themed user interfaces are safer and easier on the eyes. Not only does it reduce excessive eye strain, but it also makes it easier to view light content by improving visibility and saving battery time; increasing the number of black pixels consumes less device power. In addition, it gives the entire website a touch of style and provides the best user experience.

It is one of the keys This is one of the most important trends in web development this year 2022. Big giants such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Android, Apple, YouTube, Reddit, etc., have already jumped on the train of dark themes.

3. AI-Powered Chatbots 

Demand for AI-powered communications will increase in 2022. Websites will focus more on creating AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants to improve customer experience.

Chatbots offer a direct communication channel and help users once they access the website. They provide quick responses, which can help businesses reduce customer cart abandonment rates.

Bots are trained on the data collected from users through a series of interactions, allowing them to offer better solutions. Also, many of them use natural language programming to make their language appear more human.

Voice recognition techniques and cognitive intelligence combine to make chatbots more reliable than human support personnel. Global industries like e-commerce, travel and tourism, healthcare, etc., are already realizing the importance of chatbots.

4. Single-page websites

This trend was largely seen in 2021. But 2022 will be no exception, as the trend will continue.

Gone are the days of building long and extensive web structures. Since people use the Internet through mobile devices, single-page websites are much easier to navigate. The old ways of creating separate pages for different topics are becoming obsolete.

Single-page websites greatly minimize page load and make it faster, thus lowering the bounce rate. They work well on both mobile devices and desktop computers due to their simplicity. Also, they are inexpensive to develop and host. Single-page sites help businesses reach their specific target audience with limited content. Also, minimalist designs are easier to read and more attractive.

5. Voice recognition technology

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been critical for some time. In 2022 we can see or expect improvements in voice search. According to the study, it is estimated that about 8 billion voice assistants will be in use by 2023.

Using the voice search feature will have a huge impact on the way developers do things. Voice e-commerce is expected to dominate the market. Companies like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, etc., are using this technology to introduce new levels of innovation.

Furthermore, voice technology has reached a new level with the creation of smart speakers and assistants. Therefore, developers must ensure that the website is fully optimized to accommodate voice search functionality.

6. New security systems

According to some studies, almost 50,000 websites are hacked every day. This situation is worrying due to the confidential information of the users that house the databases of the websites. Therefore, 2022 is expected to be the year in which strict website security protocols will be implemented.

The use of the HTTPS protocol and SSL certificates will be a priority for all developers and website owners. Websites that are not protected by HTTPS are flagged by Google as insecure.

The periodic update of the CMS you use,  as well as the use of security plugins, will be of vital importance to guarantee the security of your website or that of your clients.

In 2022, effective solutions will also have to be adopted for password management and double confirmation systems via email or SMS. 

7. Cloud computing

Cloud Computing has been a trend and will continue to be for a long time. According to Gartner, public cloud services are expected to grow to $ 306.9 billion by 2022. Therefore, you can also expect advancements in cloud computing in 2022.

Cloud computing prevents data loss and overload. Therefore, it has the ability to replace normal servers. This trend will transform the approach to web development in the coming years, as it not only reduces development costs but also strengthens the entire web architecture. Google Cloud Functions, Azure Functions, AWS Lambda, etc. are some of the popular examples.

Given the current global situation, many companies depend on remote solutions; These web development trends can help you create integrated tools.

Frameworks like Angular.Js, Node.Js, and others will remain in the limelight throughout the year until better technologies overtake them.

Advances in AR / VR, IoT, motion UI, accelerated mobile pages, and blockchain technology will also continue in 2022.


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