![Submit Infographics [Instant Approval] 2 Submit Infographics](http://searchenginecage.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Submit-Infographics-Website-1024x576.png)
At Search Engine Cage, we accept a wide range of quality Infographics.
We only accept infographics for these categories: SEO, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Ecommerce, WordPress, Web Design, Mobile Apps, and Technology.
Did you know 65% of brands use infographics for marketing purposes? So it’s important for almost every business (whether it is an online business or online business) to create visually created graphics.
We help every business to share their beautiful infographic with our audience.
Here is how to register and sumbit your inforgraphic
Register: Only register users can submit infographics on Search Engine Cage so use the following link to register.
Create user profile: After completing the registration process, complete your user profile, and don’t forget to add your personal social media profiles. It must be like the following image.
![Submit Infographics [Instant Approval] 3 Submit Infographics [Instant Approval] 1](http://searchenginecage.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/author-bio-example.png)
Submit your post with an infographic: After profile completion submits your post and infographic within the post. The post must contain at least 500 words that must be focused on the topic.
Approval time: Your infographic may take 3 to 8 weeks to get your post reviewed by our team. After approval, your post will be live within a few hours.
Example of Infographis we accept: Click here to see the post.
How to contact: If you have any questions visit this page for contacting us.