Tips to Write Escape Room Blogs That Engage Readers

escape room story ideas

Have you ever considered the blog’s role and why people write and read? Of course, search engines and complications are considerable. But it is the best way to communicate share and receive information we can exchange.

Now the second part of the topic is the escape room games. The escape room empowers you to learn something new by enjoying the fun alongside.

They are now coming to story blogs for escape games. It is the best way to optimize your escape room game, and promotion and awareness go hand in hand. But people have a short span of reading. They stay to read the blog for two reasons:

  • First: due to its humorous tone and its fun and entertaining with relevant information.
  • Second: if it has plenty of facts and figures.

Mostly the “First” one is preferred the most. So, if you want readers to stay and read, this blog is for you.

Here are some tips that will help you to write a perfect blog for your escape game:

Connection & Relevance of Escape Room Story

See, it is effortless that if you are looking for a recipe to cook, say lasagna and the write-up discusses baking rules, do you think a reader will stay on the page? No, of course not; what type of question is it? But by this, all I am trying to say is that you must establish a connection between your audience and the game. You can do that by explaining the benefits, sharing locations, and helping themes know the game’s theme. If they feel relevant, they will only read and visit your game.

Tone and language:

Tone and language are essential as it targets that audience who can be your customers. Remember, you are targeting those who are game lovers and are primarily students. You can make your escape room Bangalore game their adda. So, while writing your blog for escape room games, make it humorous, use simple language, and avoid jargon, idioms, and cliché words. The simple language will help them understand what message you’re trying to convey.

Explain the benefits:

It’s a straightforward fact that if you cannot convince anybody to use something beneficial to them, they won’t use it. If you want people to visit your escape room game, you must connect them with their mindset and needs. You must target the much-needed relevant point for the group you are talking about or discussing. Escape room games usually target college students, people working in offices, and kids. And when you’re talking about office people and college students, both have relevant stress, so if you highlight the point that escape room games can help shred their stress, they will find it intriguing.

Lure them with themes and respect:

Harry Potter, Avengers, sci-fi games, detectives, etc., are never a fading theme. These genres have a shared fan base of all ages, whether kids, college students, or working-class; everybody is a diehard fan of these teams. Explain to them how interesting your game team is so that they can come and visit your escape room game. You have to mention all the details that can help your customers read your blog and feel that they are getting valuable information.

What did we learn?

While you are writing your conclusion, you have to be very specific. Either you’re confused decision should be catchy enough that it should stay in the mind even after the readers leave your blog, or leave them with some interesting facts that they should think about even after they are busy with some other work. It is essential to make your blog live in the brains of your readers after they leave the platform where they have read.

Format of escape room storyline blogs:

These were some tips on how you can write or what should be in your block to make it more effective. It is also essential to see that your storyline blog should be well formatted. A good format blog cuts the readers’ confusion and gives them a clearer perspective. Here is the format that you should follow while writing your blog:


Try not to choose the traditional method of writing a conclusion describing escape room games in a very monotonous tone and then proceeding further. Make your readers excited about the game/storylines from the very beginning or the very first line of the blog. Your blog from the very first line should seem very interesting and exciting. Play with words blog is one-way communication and utilize it that way. Don’t write in a match in your writing format; write it as you are talking to them.

Do not ignore everything in the introduction portion but give them a brief about what they are going to get in the blog. If they get all the information and introduction, they won’t read it further. If they don’t get an idea of what they’re about to read, they will leave the page. So, maintain a proper balance between both.


It is where you have to stuff in all the valuable information of the blog. But there is a twist to why you are loading all the information in the body; it becomes boring. So, when placing the information in this section, try to play with words and make it interactive, funny, connect with your audience, etc. I like to focus on the daily problems they’re facing and put the counter solution with them.

It will help them to correlate with your blog, and with the answer, they will be able to find related to your blog and your product. Once you highlight their favorite theme, their favorite superhero, or their favorite detective, they will feel as if they are getting a chance to relive the moment they saw. It enhances the readability of the block because it is relevant and helps your escape room get more traffic and visits through the blog.

What can we conclude?

When writing a conclusion, you must be very particular about what you place in this section. Once a reader is reading the blog, they might not remember what was there in the introduction or body. But what they read, in the end, stays for a long time. So, when you write your conclusion, make it exciting and so intense that it remains in their mind. You can ask a question related to how they manage their stress, how they will spend quality time with their friends, and what if they are getting indoor and outdoor games under one roof; extra such facts will highlight their inner excitement.

They will feel connected with it and find the game relevant and a solution for all the problems you have highlighted. So, while planning your conclusion, keep the key points in mind and highlight the essential parts of the blog.

Wrapping it up

The storyline blog is a one-way communication you can use to convince people to share knowledge with them and make them understand your product service and information. All that matters is how you are placing the information in the blog and how interesting you are making it. These tips and tricks will help you form a top-notch block for your audience.


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