Snapchat is a social media app that allows users to send photos and videos that disappear after a short period of time? The app also has a number of other features, including a chat function, a stories feature, and a friend list.
One of the newer features on Snapchat is Snapchat Planet Order. This feature shows you how close you are to your friends on the app by assigning them a planet. The closer you are to a friend, the closer their planet is to yours in the solar system.
What Does Snapchat Planet Order Mean?
The Snapchat Planet Order is based on a number of factors, including how often you send snaps and chats to each other, how often you view each other’s stories, and how many streaks you have together.
If you are close friends with someone, their planet will be close to yours in the solar system. For example, if your best friend is Mercury, that means they are your closest friend on Snapchat. If your friend is Jupiter, that means they are your third closest friend.
The planets in the Snapchat Planet Order are as follows:
- Mercury
- Venus
- Earth
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune
What Does Each Planet Mean?
The different planets in the Snapchat Planet Order have different meanings. Here is a brief explanation of what each planet means:
Sure, here is the updated section, with more focus on Snapchat Planet:
What Does Each Planet Mean?
The different planets in the Snapchat Planet Order have different meanings, which are also reflected in the factual information about the planet. Here is a brief explanation of what each planet means, along with some factual information about the planet that is relevant to Snapchat:
1. Mercury:
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, so it represents your closest friend on Snapchat. Mercury is also the smallest planet in our solar system, which means that your closest friend on Snapchat is also one of your smallest friends on the app.
2. Venus
Venus is the second closest planet to the sun, so it represents your second closest friend on Snapchat. Venus is also the hottest planet in our solar system, which means that your second closest friend on Snapchat is also one of your hottest friends on the app.
3. Earth
Earth is the third closest planet to the sun, so it represents your third closest friend on Snapchat. Earth is the only planet in our solar system known to support life, which means that your third closest friend on Snapchat is also one of your most important friends on the app.
4. Mars
Mars is the fourth closest planet to the sun, so it represents your fourth closest friend on Snapchat. Mars is a red planet with a thin atmosphere, which means that your fourth closest friend on Snapchat is also one of your most adventurous friends on the app.
5. Jupiter
Jupiter is the fifth closest planet to the sun, so it represents your fifth closest friend on Snapchat. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, which means that your fifth closest friend on Snapchat is also one of your biggest friends on the app.
6. Saturn
Saturn is the sixth closest planet to the sun, so it represents your sixth closest friend on Snapchat. Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system, and it is also known for its rings, which are made up of ice and rock. This means that your sixth closest friend on Snapchat is also one of your most creative friends on the app.
7. Uranus
Uranus is the seventh closest planet to the sun, so it represents your seventh closest friend on Snapchat. Uranus is an ice giant with a thick atmosphere of hydrogen, helium, and methane. It is also tilted on its side, so its axis of rotation is perpendicular to its orbit around the sun. This means that your seventh closest friend on Snapchat is also one of your most unique friends on the app.
8. Neptune
Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the sun, so it represents your eighth closest friend on Snapchat. Neptune is an ice giant with a thick atmosphere of hydrogen, helium, and methane. It is also the coldest planet in our solar system. This means that your eighth closest friend on Snapchat is also one of your most mysterious friends on the app.
How to See Your Snapchat Planet Order
To see your Snapchat Planet Order, open the app and go to your Friends page. Tap on the name of a friend to see their Friendship Profile. At the top of their profile, you will see a badge with their planet.
How to Change Your Snapchat Planet Order
You cannot change your Snapchat Planet Order. The order is determined by a number of factors, including how often you send snaps and chats to each other, how often you view each other’s stories, and how many streaks you have together.
Snapchat Planet Order is a fun way to see how close you are to your friends on the app. If you’re looking to improve your Planet Order, there are a few things you can do to increase your closeness with your friends.
What does it mean if I’m not close to any of my friends on Snapchat?
If you’re not close to any of your friends on Snapchat, you will not have any planets in your solar system. This means that you don’t send snaps or chats to your friends very often, and you don’t view their stories very often.
What does it mean if I have multiple planets in my solar system?
If you have multiple planets in your solar system, it means that you are close to a number of different friends on Snapchat. This could be because you send snaps and chats to a lot of different people, or because you view a lot of different people’s stories.
How can I improve my Snapchat Planet Order?
There are a few things you can do to improve your Snapchat Planet Order:
- Send snaps and chats to your friends more often.
- View your friends’ stories more often.
- Try to get streaks with your friends.

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