Mobile Application Development Trends

Mobile Application Development Trends
Mobile Application Development Trends

There are many things that businesses need to focus on today. Keeping up with the various technological trends is one of them.

The mobile revolution is now in full swing, and it is one of the most important consumer waves to pay attention to.

However, many companies make the mistake of neglecting their mobile presence. This is especially true when it comes to applications.

One of the reasons is that mobile applications are changing rapidly and it is difficult to keep up with innovations.

That is why, in this post, we will cover the 8 most important mobile application trends you need to know about.

That way, you can create a mobile-friendly strategy to attract, convert, and nurture more customers and leads.

Without further ado, let’s begin!

Why Is Mobile so Important?

People are spending more time than ever on the internet. With most of the world now online, you need a solid strategy to take advantage of it for your business.

Still, did you know that users spent 155 minutes a day surfing the internet on mobile devices in 2021 alone?

This means that if you are not leveraging mobile, you are missing out on reaching vast numbers of potential customers.

There are all kinds of mobile optimizations to perform.

Ads, games, websites, and social media platforms are different experiences on mobile than on desktops.

Of course, this goes for mobile applications as well.

Mobile App Development Trends

You need to leverage the latest app trends to get optimal results.

In order to be on the cutting edge, let’s start with the first mobile application development trend that every marketer should know.


Now that more people are becoming internet-savvy, they want DIY methods to accomplish their goals when shopping.

Chatbots are a great way to appeal to this desire and please your customers. Going forward, integrated chatbots will be a trend in mobile apps.

This is a great trend to hop on, because of the automation aspect.

You can have a chatbot that helps answer customer questions, show them products, and even guide them through the entire purchase.

This means you save a lot of money on human resources.

For instance, you can have a chatbot built into your app’s homepage. When someone logs in, they will be able to ask questions and have them answered in real time.

A chatbot mimics a live customer service agent. However, bots have the benefit of being able to work 24/7 without breaks. Also, once the technology is built, it runs for free.

App Development for Foldables

There is a lot of buzz recently about foldable devices, and it’s one of the more exciting mobile application development trends. It is also one of the most challenging.

The large screen provides a more immersive experience, improving upon UX.

Moreover, the multiple windows mean that more than one task can be performed at the same time.

Products like Samsung’s foldable OLED device will need to be evaluated by development teams when creating Android and iOS applications.

Many major applications have already been optimized for it, including Facebook, Spotify, Twitter, Amazon Prime Video, and even Microsoft Office.

If you want your company to be on that list and gain market share with these new mobile devices, it needs to be a priority in your app development.

AI/Machine Learning

Everyone has heard about the general impact that artificial intelligence and machine learning are making on the business world.

They are being used to predict events, find images, and evaluate big data sets to provide value to consumers and business insights.

However, mobile applications render themselves to unique purposes.

For instance, FaceApp recently achieved fame for allowing users to see what they would like at different ages — younger or older.

It was achieved using AI which performed edits on selfies that users upload. This means that it can be used to provide more engaging and interesting customer experiences.

Machine learning is also able to provide real time analytics to marketing teams.

It can run calculations across all of your data sets automatically, saving your team time and boosting overall profits. This makes it a key part of mobile development going forward.

AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality)

AR and VR are evolutions in digital experiences that are expanding the way people interact with their mobile devices.

AR uses a mix of real-world images via the camera and artificial images generated on the screen.

VR is an even more immersive experience in which the user is transported to a new 3D environment with the use of 3D goggles.

VR 3D goggles

There are a number of ways that businesses can tap into these growing technologies to develop their mobile applications.

You can use these technologies to create immersive games, or even tours of your products and services virtually.

This allows people to interact with your brand and feel that they have the product or service in front of them, all from their phones.

You can also use AR indirectly as an advertisement for your application. If you look around on social media, you will find a lot of filters using AR.

Oftentimes, businesses sponsor these apps or have branding within the filter to drive awareness and even product affinity.

Mobile Security

It is becoming clear that security for your mobile applications is now of the utmost importance—even more than it was in the past. There are several reasons for this.

First of all, many large corporations, governments, and other organizations have suffered from cyber breaches in recent years.

Secondly, consumers have been more educated on their own privacy and security.

People want to make sure their data is not going to fall into the wrong hands.

That means prioritizing security is one of the main app development trends of today—contemporary customers need to be reassured.

Allow them to see your privacy and security policies, so they know you take it seriously.

You can also enable two-factor authentication. If someone steals your customer’s password, they still won’t be able to log in. The user will need to receive a text message in order to log in.

Such best practices can increase trust in using your app. 

Cloud Storage

Most businesses are now moving to store much of their data in the cloud. In the old days, you needed rooms filled with servers to have an application.

Now the power of many computers rests in the hands of your consumers. Your application can be native to their device and connect to the cloud.

This is an important evolution in app development. It is making applications more well-rounded.

They can now provide more features than ever and use a mix of online and offline capability.

It is very likely that your app will leverage the cloud to store its database. This allows for large and fast storage to keep the app running smoothly.

This trend is important to catch early, but also important to take with a grain of salt.

As mentioned earlier, security is on the mind of consumers more than ever.

Implement proper encryption to ensure that your data is being stored in a safe way while enabling more speed.


When the iPhone first came out, there was obviously only one smartphone like it. Therefore, developers had a very limited scope of what they needed to learn in order to develop.

Nevertheless, this was a leap from developing for computers.

Now, however, there are even more possibilities.

Not only are there iPhones, there are also Androids and Windows phones. The three main platforms are spread out across various brands as well.

This makes developing a cross-platform app more difficult than a native app.

The debate about the pros and cons of native or cross-platform mobile apps is ongoing.

However, one thing is clear. Instead of just focusing on one, it is often advantageous to focus on both.

The field that is growing fastest is cross-platform. The reason is simple: it allows companies to access more customers.

Imagine someone seeing your marketing for your app.

If they want to download it but it is not available on their device, then you are leaving money on the table.

The last thing you want to do is alienate a large part of your market. That is why developing with multiple platforms in mind is a crucial trend in app development.

Mobile Wallets

When the internet first came out, being able to pay for things online with a credit card was a novelty. Then, online payment applications such as PayPal started to appear.

Now, we are at the stage where mobile wallets are a big app development trend that continues to rise.

Google, Apple, and Samsung are all making mobile wallets available to users. This provides a convenient, fast, and secure way to make purchases using their credentials.

These mobile wallets can be used to pay anything from bills to traditional goods and services.

This app development trend is something that smart businesses should be a part of.

When developing your mobile app, ask yourself how you can integrate payment options.

The lower friction between putting a product in their cart and purchasing, the higher the conversions will be.

Wrapping Up

Long gone are the days when enhancing your online presence simply meant putting up a static website that was little more than a glorified brochure.

Web 2.0 caused businesses to adapt to consumer demands with more interactivity. Websites needed to be responsive and mobile-friendly.

Now, you need to go full circle by providing a high-quality mobile application.

Keep in mind that you are not competing in a vacuum. Other businesses are offering mobile apps and paying attention to these mobile app industry trends.

Therefore, ensure that you and your team are implementing the latest best practices.

That way, you can gain trust, brand equity, conversions, and ultimately a healthier bottom line for your brand.


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