Mobile Apps That Help To Improve Environmental Awareness

Mobile Apps That Help To Improve Environmental Awareness

We live in an age where raising awareness about multiple issues has become an essential part of our lives. From the rising population to mental illnesses, we have taken a stand for every situation that people need to be better educated about. The rapidly changing state of our environment is yet another issue that needs more people to be aware of it.

Raising awareness can be done through a number of different methods and media. And with the rapid evolvement of technology, mobile apps can be the perfect tool for the task. There are a number of apps that are designed specifically to improve environmental awareness amongst the general population. This article will highlight some of the best ones that can be the perfect ones for you.

Why Are Such Apps Important?

Before we talk about the apps that can help improve environmental awareness amongst the general population, it is important to understand why such apps are important. To a lot of people, these apps may seem quite irrelevant, but their significance is more than they understand. Here is why.

Fastest And Easiest Possible Reach:

When it comes to essential matters such as the environment, issues need to be addressed faster and amongst a wider population. This can be achieved through media that almost everyone has access to. What better tool could there be than mobile phones? In this digital age, most of us, if not all have a mobile phone with us no matter where we go.

Therefore, a mobile phone application is sure to reach a greater audience than a TV advertisement or a newspaper, both of which are often ignored.

For Those Going Green And On The Go:

Environmental awareness can also be raised through different blogs and websites on the internet, and still, achieve a great reach. That is indeed an effective method, but not as feasible for those who are not in the comfort of their homes.

For those who want to play their part in saving the environment but find themselves on the move, mobile phone apps can be very helpful. These apps provide great help by giving them the information that they need when they need it, without having to do a considerable amount of research.

Convenience All The Way:

A lot of us look for comfort and convenience in all that we do. And if we don’t get that, we don’t want to do it anymore. Gaining awareness is no different. If it comes to people with the convenience of a mobile phone application that is on the tip of their fingers and accessible whenever they want it to be, the chances of people learning from these applications are simply greater. This is why these mobile apps can be more helpful at improving environmental awareness than any other source, making them an important development in the present age.

The importance can be estimated from the fact that there is not just one Mobile App Development Company that is working on such apps, but a number of them

Apps That Help With Environmental Awareness:


There are a number of individuals that know about how the environment is being constantly changing and being damaged by a lot of our actions. What they don’t know is what they can do. We are all aware of global warming, but not sure what we can do to help. This app will help you change that.

#climate is an app that tells you what you can do to prevent the climate change that we are facing at present. It helps you figure out what steps you can take and the definite actions that can help. But that’s not all. You can also share your actions and achievements on social media and inspire others to do the same, bringing together more people for a greener earth.


Water wastage issue

Water wastage is a serious issue in a lot of parts of the world. There are countries that are on the brink of droughts, yet citizens do not understand the importance of saving water. Studies say that an average family is capable of wasting about 180 gallons or more in about a week. What we consider an insignificant amount of water can add up to a lot.

Dropcountr is an app that is designed to help you save excessive amounts of water from being wasted. This app works to show you the amount of water you consume and compare it to other users with family and living conditions similar to yours. This will allow you to evaluate how much you need to cut back on water wastage.

Furthermore, the application can also help you set a water budget and track your consumption all day, giving you live reports so you can save water more efficiently.


If you are highly invested in social media but are also a go-green fanatic, then Ecoviate is the perfect app for you. It functions a lot like your other social media apps where you can connect with your friends and share posts and photos. But it works for the environmental cause.

The app allows you to share your eco-friendly actions and steps with your friends to inspire them. It not only provides you with a number of tips on how you can play your role in saving the environment but also rewards you with points for every step that you take. These points decide where you stand on the leaderboard, amongst your friends, creating a friendly, challenging environment where individuals race to do better for the environmental cause.


When it comes to helping out the environment, it does not necessarily have to be drastic steps. Sometimes simply saying no to products that harm the environment can be the change that this world needs. And if that is the step you want to take for the environment, then GoodGuide is the app that your phone needs.

The concept of GoodGuide is a very simple yet very helpful one. It simply allows you to locate safe, healthy, and cruelty-free products around you. The app not only tells you what you can find and where you can find it, but it also gives you a scientific rating along with the products. These ratings could range from zero to 10, implying how healthy and environment-friendly they are. From edibles and household products to personal and skincare products, GoodGuide can guide you for all sorts of products.

The best part about this app is that it can align its product to your preferences. You can choose a particular environmental issue that concerns you the most, and it will tell you the impact of the product in that context.


There are a lot of people out there that do genuinely care about the environment and the damage that we, as humans, cause to it. But they are simply unaware of how their own actions can be harmful to it as well. For all such individuals who want to eliminate habits and actions that damage the environment, Oroeco can tell you where you’re going wrong.

Oroeco is designed to track your day-to-day actions, evaluating the impact that you leave on the environment. It accounts for all the actions that are harmful to the environment but go unacknowledged. It allows you to see how every small action of yours, from your meals to your commute affects the environment. It tells you how your daily routine is affecting climate change.

Developers say that Oroeco is the most powerful carbon footprint calculator that you would come across. Not only will it help you stop habits that have a negative impact on the climate, but it also helps you save money and share your achievements with your friends.

Is Using An App Enough?

While these mobile phone applications can prove to be remarkably effective at improving awareness about our environment, the question that still stands is, are they enough? Is using these applications all we need to do to stop the harmful changes in the environment and save the rapidly deteriorating state of our earth?

The answer is no. But it is definitely a start. We all need somewhere to begin when we stand for a cause, and these applications can prove to be that starting point. A great way to move forward would be to share the lessons we learned, if not the application itself, with those around us.

And do not be disheartened if the impact you make in saving the environment is not as great as you think. Small drops of water make mighty oceans. So the small change you bring about is definitely the drop that is adding up to make an ocean.


This environment that we live in is the only one that is, at present, known to support life form. The damage that we constantly cause to it is causing it to deteriorate at a rate faster than we think. We must remember that if it fails to the point where it can no longer support life, we ourselves would have nowhere to go, which is why we shouldn’t just think about raising environmental awareness and take a step today, even if it begins from a mobile app.


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