Using Instagram For Business In 2021 – A Complete Guide (For Marketers)

Instagram For Business

Instagram is the fastest growing social media platform with more than 1.6 billion monthly active users. Instagram is a powerful tool for businesses to increase their brand visibility and sales to skyrocket. There are 25 million business accounts on Instagram, and Instagram marketers have increased by 7% compared with Facebook.

According to an Instagram report, the app made a huge impact on brands and people. Instagram has become an essential source for entertaining, learning, and commerce. Many users are utilizing Instagram for their business, and 90% of people use this platform to discover new products and personal reasons.

This guide will take you through the inside and outside of Instagram marketing in an actionable way.

Why Use Instagram for Business:

Instagram has become a well-known social media network used for eCommerce marketing. Are you wondering whether Instagram is suitable for your brand?. Yes, it is beneficial for your brand, but you have to learn how to use Instagram for your business and gain more followers on Instagram.

Always have the practice to check your Instagram insights to track your metrics. Here are some points why you should use Instagram for your business.

To Drive More Sales:

Use a business account to promote your brand in the competitive market. One of the best reasons many businesses use Instagram tools is because it allows users to see Instagram insights. Through this, you can drive more sales and increase your overall business.

There are 30% of people’s purchases on Instagram. You can use Instagram tools such as product tags. It makes it easier for products to sell on Instagram. A few months ago, one company reported their business on Instagram has generated $332,640 in sales in four months. If you use this platform correctly for your business, you will get more followers, and you can start seeing those followers are changing into customers. Using an Instagram business account is an essential way to driving more sales to your website from this platform.

Increase Your Brand Visibility:

Starting your business on Instagram will increase your brand visibility. Improving your product visibility helps people to become familiar with you and your brand. Posting frequently about your brand will increase your brand voice and help you to reach your target audience.

The most important way to increase visibility and get more followers on Instagram is to post quality and unique content. To stand strong on Instagram, be authentic and create a brand image and produce content that brings value to the audience. Instagram insights are one of the most powerful tools that allow users to find which type of people is engaging and viewing your post, and it will help you create future content.

Attach With Your Customers:

On many social media platforms, brands have very few opportunities to connect with their customers. But Instagram can lead to an extensive conversation with their customers over the world. Brands can connect with customers through comments on posts interacting through quizzes and polls. Instagram for business allows you to promote your brand and engage with your customers, and the customer feels very valued when brands connect with them.

Instagram For Business:

Over 2 million business profiles are connected with people on Instagram. It would be best to learn how to use Instagram for your business, reach more audiences and grow your customers. Here are the few points you need to focus on to get more followers and sales on Instagram.

Create Your Brand Theme:

On Instagram, every business needs an on-brand Instagram that includes your brand identity, brand voice, color, and type of content. A steady theme will make your followers easily recognize your brand. The main goal of choosing a theme is to get more followers on Instagram and market your products to a massive audience.

If you’re creating graphics, be consistent with the fonts and color you use, and if you are selecting photos to post, use Instagram tools for editing to make your post more attractive.

Use Instagram Reels:

The latest and greatest update from Instagram is reels, and it is currently very popular. With the short videos, you can share your effective tips, show behind the scene videos, and share exciting things to build relationships with your followers. 

Creating reels in an effective way that helps you to get more Instagram reels likes instantly to your profile. As a result, you will get more reels likes and it has a great chance to move to an explore page. Hereby, many people can see your reel and get popular. 

Instagram Stories:

Use stories to engage with your audience and utilize the feature likes quiz, polls, and questions to interact with your audience. Stories are also a great way to show behind the scenes and enhance your business. Share videos of your company and show photos of how your brand enlarges. It will go a long way and helps you to connect with your followers.

 More than 500 million people use Instagram stories . Stories are the perfect place to market products to your target audience.

Utilize Hashtags:

Hashtags are a huge way that helps more people to find your profile and get more followers on Instagram. A hashtag is a powerful tool, but only if you use it correctly and use related hashtags for your business. Using relevant hashtags makes it very easy to categorize your content and get them for your potential audience.

You can also use hashtag generators to get potential tags, and you can use seven to thirty per post. The number of hashtags per post is different for each brand, do some testing and see which hashtag gets more engagement. You can use a hashtag in the stories and comments to drive more followers to your account.

Add Product Tags:

Product tag offers a great way to showcase all your products on Instagram. Use the product tag for your post, and it helps people when they look at your posts and users can easily tap the photo to see the product name and price.

If users tap the specific tag to learn about the product, and from there, they are allowed to view the products on the website.

Use Instagram Ads:

You are allowed to create Facebook ads from your Facebook manager or directly create ads on Instagram itself. When you’re designing Instagram ads, make sure they are engaging and fit for your other posts. You can include a “call to action” that gives your followers a big opportunity to shop your brand directly.

Instagram ads are more beneficial, and that helps you to gain more followers. Additionally, Instagram business accounts are only able to run advertisements. Users will see your advertising, and they remember your brand, and hopefully, they buy your product.

Partner With Influencer:

Collaborating with influencers is a great way to promote your brand to a wider audience. There are many influencers in the industry, but the most important is to choose the perfect influencer for your brand, which will increase your brand visibility.

You have to choose a successful influencer with more extensive followers for your brand to reach a more audience. Select influencers and make them your brand celebrity. Hereby your brand will reach more new people and help you to increase your sales.

Make User- Generated Content:

If you are looking to get more followers and engagement for your videos, you can use user-generated content. UGC is content that is created by your customers, followers, and fans. You can repurpose the content and post it on your page. If your followers are already posting about your brand, then tell them to repost it on their page.

Create contests and use specific hashtags and ask your followers to post about your brands. Always people like to see content written by real users.


Instagram stories and reels only allow the user to record 15-second video clips, but IGTV is made especially for long videos. These videos can be 10 minutes or up to one hour for accounts with more followers. IGTV allows users to search videos for their interest and makes recommendations based on their past videos. You can use IGTV for your business, share product launch videos of your followers using IGTV.


A giveaway is a great tactic to increase your followers and grow your engagement rate. You can partner with influencers, other brands, and companies to host a giveaway, or you can run it by yourself. With a giveaway, each business can contribute their services or products, or you can create another brand prize. Some giveaways are asking their followers to like a post and follow them.

Make Takeovers:

It is a popular Instagram strategy that helps you to connect your business with influential people. It will show your content to your influencer’s followers, and you can see many relevant businesses and individuals are partners by signup with Instagram influencer marketing. It is an online tool that automatically reports and discovers processes and helps you to focus on more planning memorable takeovers and developing influencer relationships.

Mistakes to Avoid on Instagram for business:

There are so many important tips for things you should do on Instagram, and it is also very important to see things you should avoid.

  • Don’t use repeated hashtags.
  • Don’t over-post
  • Use 30 hashtags, not more than that.
  • Don’t use irrelevant hashtags.

Use these tips to avoid making mistakes while creating posts.


Instagram is a topmost social network that allows brands to engage with their audience. If you are selling a product directly to your customers, it is the perfect place to expand your presence. Also, it is equally important to measure your ROI. Now you know how to use Instagram for your business in 2021.


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